Welcome to the website of the Erasmus Mundus project entitled Innovative BioInspired materials for Sustainable Applications (IBISA)
The goal of IBISA EM program is to educate international students oriented on the emerging area of bioinspired materials applied in crossdisciplinary broad range of chemistry, environment, green energy, forestry, nanomedicine, and sustainable production and consumption. The two-year Master’s joined degree program offers high-quality education, combining competencies in fundamental research, applied science and technology. The programme will integrate chemistry (inorganic and organic synthesis, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, biochemistry, industrial chemistry), nanotechnology, biotechnology, bioengineering, and forestry. The graduates will master sustainable, innovative chemistry, including biomimetic approaches, bioinspired and smart (stimuli-responsive) materials, and advanced techniques for their characterisation. Breakthrough technologies for sustainable use of natural resources, and life cycle assessment are in special focus. Soft skills including team working, intercultural communication and global competences are trained and developed by studying in international environments.

News and Events
Dissemination of IBISA project among academic stakeholders
On December 5th, prof. Magdalena Regel-Rosocka informed members of the Discipline Board at the Faculty of Chemical Technology (PUT) about aim, programme and participants of the IBISA project.

IBISA Coordination meetings
Two hybrid coordination meetings were celebrated among the partners of the IBISA consortia. The first meeting was hosted by the University of Catania (Italy) on the 21-22 September 2023. The second meeting was celebrated in the Poznan University of Technology (Poland) on the 25-26 October 2023.
Representative from all the six academic institutions participated actively in the meetings attending either remotely or in person.